Monday, November 25, 2019

Enjoy your holiday break!!! :) :) :)

Thanksgiving Science Article websites:

1. Dozing after Thanksgiving dinner? Don't blame the bird

2. For wild turkeys, there's a lot of chatter at family gatherings

3. Lots of possibilities here!

4. Lots of possibilities here too!

5. Thanksgiving Chemistry Topics and Projects

6. Stop! Washing your Thanksgiving turkey could spread germs

7. Stop washing your Thanksgiving turkey! It could spread germs, say food safety experts

Read a science based article.  Learn how Science is happening in our daily lives and how it relates to you. You can get your information from a newspaper, magazine or from the internet. 
It should be handwritten NEATLY or typed and shared with my account.  

 Follow these simple steps to make an A!
1) Summarize the article in 5-7 sentences (i.e. What is the article about?)
2) How does this affect us? (1 sentence min.)
3) Why is this important? (1 sentence min.)
4) How is this science related? (1 sentence min.)
5) Pick a science word and write its definition.  Use a dictionary or
6) Draw a picture!
7) Make sure to include your source.  i.e. Where did you get your information from?  website url, magazine title and date, newspaper title and date

Sunday, November 24, 2019

C3 - Videos

1.Watch the video and take the review quiz; record your results in your Science Notebooks.
2. Watch the video and take the review quiz; record your results in your Science Notebooks.
3. Inclined Plane cartoon

4. Gravity, Force, and Work video

5. Force, Work, and Energy Cartoon

6. The Fixies Friction cartoon

Thursday, November 21, 2019

LAB #4 – Simple Machines Help Us

LAB #4 – Simple Machines Help Us Investigation

Investigation: What are the motions that each simple machine makes in order to make work easier?   

Materials: various simple and compound machines

Procedure: <Discuss the procedure with your partners.>

Name of the object

Purpose of the object
What kind of simple machine/s is it?
Draw a picture of the object
1. Plastic drink top

2. chemistry tongs (2)

3. fan blades

4. scissors (2)

5. pie pan

6. blinds

7. spray bottle (2)

8. microscope

9. clip on clipboard

10. flashlight

11. staple remover (2)

12. arms on the clock

13. nails (on wall)

14. screw (in wall)

15. stairs

16. spray bottle

17. triple beam balance (3)

18. crazy coaster track

19. cabinet drawer track

20. wheel on push cart

21. soup spoon

22. skeleton hand









1) How do simple machines make our lives easier?
2) Pick three of the objects from the lab and explain how it would be like without them?  How would you accomplish the tasks they help us with without them?

3) Go to your data table and label the fulcrum for each of your levers.
4) Find three simple machines at home and add them to your Results.

5) a. Sketch a picture of each simple machine; use arrows to show the motion of each.  
    b. How does each simple machine change the direction, distance, or magnitude of a force?


 What was your objective?
 What was your procedure?   
 What did you learn in this lab?
 What did you like about this lab?
 What were some challenges you had to deal with?
 What could you do next with this investigation? What other tests could you perform?
If you had to change or add anything to the investigation, what would they be?
 Write down any other additional thoughts, observations, inferences, etc.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Lab #3 – Calculating Work

Lab #3 – Calculating Work

Work = Force x distance
Work = (Force)(Distance)
W = Fd

How can we use a ramp to help us pull a weight up to a certain height with the least amount of work possible?

Hypothesis: If I use a ramp to pull the weight up to the SAME height (distance), then....   harder? easier?  no difference?   and this is my reasoning....

Ruler, chair, ramp (inclined plane), weights, spring scale


A.  Work done without ramp
Force (Newtons)
Distance (cm)
Work (Joules)
a. __g Weight
b. __g Weight

c. __g Weight

d. __g Weight

Calculate the average work done without a ramp: _____Joules

B.  Work done with ramp
Force (Newtons)
Distance (cm)
Work (Joules)
a. __g Weight
b. __g Weight

c. __g Weight

d. __g Weight

Calculate the average work down using a ramp:

1)   Make a bar graph titled, "Bar graph comparing work done without a ramp vs work done with a ramp".
x axis: 2 bars = no ramp vs ramp
y axis: average amount of work done in Joules

2)   How did the weight (force pulling down) affect the amount of work done on the object?

3) a.Where does your data indicate that using a simple machine (inclined plane) makes work easier, using a ramp or no ramp?
    b. Which saves you energy, using a ladder or using the stairs?  Use evidence from your results!!!

4)   Part 1 (A,B): What is your Independent Variable?
5)   Part 1 (A,B): What is your Dependent Variable?
6)   Part 1 (A,B): What are your Constants?

 Restate the problem in your own words.
 My hypothesis (is/is not supported) because__________________________.
Briefly describe your procedure i.e. what were the steps you took to complete the investigation?  (Think of a following a recipe when you cook!)
If I had the opportunity to complete this lab again, I would change _________ because________________
 What did you learn in this lab?
 What did you like about this lab?
 What were some challenges you had to deal with?  My sources of error for the lab were _____________because____________. 
 What could you do next with this problem?  What other tests could you perform?
 Write down any other additional thoughts, observations, inferences, etc.

Make another Hypothesis: Use your hands to feel the sandpaper.  Will the sandpaper cause more work, less work or no change to be done on the weights? 

C.  Work done with ­­­­sandpaper and ramp
Force (Newtons)
Distance (cm)
Work (Joules)

a. __ g Weight

b. __ g Weight

c. __ g Weight

d. __ g Weight

Calculate the average work done using a different surface: _____Joules

7)   Part 2 (B,C): What is your Independent Variable?
8)   Part 2 (B,C): What is your Dependent Variable?
9)   Part 2 (B,C): What are you Constants?
10) Make a bar graph titled, "Bar graph comparing work done with ramp surface vs work done with sandpaper"
x axis: 2 bars = ramp surface vs sandpaper
y axis: average amount of work done in Joules