Monday, November 18, 2019

Lab #3 – Calculating Work

Lab #3 – Calculating Work

Work = Force x distance
Work = (Force)(Distance)
W = Fd

How can we use a ramp to help us pull a weight up to a certain height with the least amount of work possible?

Hypothesis: If I use a ramp to pull the weight up to the SAME height (distance), then....   harder? easier?  no difference?   and this is my reasoning....

Ruler, chair, ramp (inclined plane), weights, spring scale


A.  Work done without ramp
Force (Newtons)
Distance (cm)
Work (Joules)
a. __g Weight
b. __g Weight

c. __g Weight

d. __g Weight

Calculate the average work done without a ramp: _____Joules

B.  Work done with ramp
Force (Newtons)
Distance (cm)
Work (Joules)
a. __g Weight
b. __g Weight

c. __g Weight

d. __g Weight

Calculate the average work down using a ramp:

1)   Make a bar graph titled, "Bar graph comparing work done without a ramp vs work done with a ramp".
x axis: 2 bars = no ramp vs ramp
y axis: average amount of work done in Joules

2)   How did the weight (force pulling down) affect the amount of work done on the object?

3) a.Where does your data indicate that using a simple machine (inclined plane) makes work easier, using a ramp or no ramp?
    b. Which saves you energy, using a ladder or using the stairs?  Use evidence from your results!!!

4)   Part 1 (A,B): What is your Independent Variable?
5)   Part 1 (A,B): What is your Dependent Variable?
6)   Part 1 (A,B): What are your Constants?

 Restate the problem in your own words.
 My hypothesis (is/is not supported) because__________________________.
Briefly describe your procedure i.e. what were the steps you took to complete the investigation?  (Think of a following a recipe when you cook!)
If I had the opportunity to complete this lab again, I would change _________ because________________
 What did you learn in this lab?
 What did you like about this lab?
 What were some challenges you had to deal with?  My sources of error for the lab were _____________because____________. 
 What could you do next with this problem?  What other tests could you perform?
 Write down any other additional thoughts, observations, inferences, etc.

Make another Hypothesis: Use your hands to feel the sandpaper.  Will the sandpaper cause more work, less work or no change to be done on the weights? 

C.  Work done with ­­­­sandpaper and ramp
Force (Newtons)
Distance (cm)
Work (Joules)

a. __ g Weight

b. __ g Weight

c. __ g Weight

d. __ g Weight

Calculate the average work done using a different surface: _____Joules

7)   Part 2 (B,C): What is your Independent Variable?
8)   Part 2 (B,C): What is your Dependent Variable?
9)   Part 2 (B,C): What are you Constants?
10) Make a bar graph titled, "Bar graph comparing work done with ramp surface vs work done with sandpaper"
x axis: 2 bars = ramp surface vs sandpaper
y axis: average amount of work done in Joules


  1. we didn't do "D"
    -Brian 602

    1. I know right we don't have time
      -Eric Wu 602(from Brian's group)

    2. Brian- for D you need to use another object, not just Alvin's jacket(hee hee)

  2. Mr Considine, when is the analysis and conclusion due?

  3. how do we even write the bar graphs with a and b

  4. We did not use sand paper

  5. Mr considine you said there's videos on the blog for home work and half of my class in 602 said you didn't have it in the blog , where is it?
