Sunday, September 18, 2022

Science Article #1 - Introduction to Science Articles, Current Events in Science


Science Articles  

Read a science based article.  Learn how Science is happening in our daily lives and how it relates to you. You can get your information from a newspaper, magazine or from the internet. 
It should be handwritten NEATLY or typed and shared with my account.  

 Follow these simple steps to make an A!  
1) Summarize the article in 5-7 sentences (i.e. What is the article about?)
2) How does this affect us? (1 sentence min.)
3) Why is this important? (1 sentence min.)
4) How is this science related? (1 sentence min.)
5) Pick a science word and write its definition.  Use a dictionary or
6) Draw a picture or find one on the internet that relates to your topic.
7) Make sure to include your source.  i.e. Where did you get your information from?  website url, magazine title and date, newspaper title and date

Science Article Sources

- Click on the above link, scan the front page, find an article that interests you, click on it, read it, then follow the directions above!  :)
- Note: Use the front page of the website, don't go surfing around.  

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Heading, Neatness, Overall Organization
The loose leaf/Doc is neat, the heading is legible, the work is organized-    -Parts of the heading are missing, the Doc is disorganizedThere is no heading. The loose leaf is torn. It is disorganized.
Summary explaining the main ideaThere are at least five sentences in the summary paragraph, the summary is relevant to the articleThere are only four sentences in the summary paragraphThere are only three sentences in the summary paragraphThere are only one to two sentences in the summary paragraph; relevance lacking.There is no summary and/or it's irrelevant
1) How is it science related? 2) Why is this important? 3) How does this affect us?All of the Science questions have been answered.Two of the three Science questions have been answered.One of the Science questions has been answered.The questions have not been answered properly, they have been copied, etc.None of the Science questions has been answered.
Science word dictionary definitionThere is a Science word from the article that has a proper dictionary definition.---There is no definition, it has been made up, the word is not from the article, etc.
Science illustrationThere is an illustration from the web that relates to the article OR the student created one themselves with effortThere is a student constructed Science illustration with no color or satisfactory effort.
Minimal effort has been put into the Science illustration.Bare minimum effort shownNo illustration provided