Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Density - Mass/Volume

Volume  is the amount of space occupied by an object; it's an object's size, and it's  

measured in three dimensions: the x, the y, and the z. 

The volume of an object can be measured with a graduated cylinder. 

1. Volume Video

Mass is a measure of matter. Everything has mass; all solids, liquids and gases have mass because they are made up of molecules.  
We measure the mass of an object with a triple beam balance.

Evaluate: Mass, Volume and Density Video
1. All objects around us, including us, have two things in common; all matter has ____ and ______. 
2. Mass is a measurement of the ______ of ______ in an object.
3. Grams are units for ____.
4. Volume is _______ _____.
5. Cubic meters are units for ______.
6. Density is the ratio between ____ and ______.
7. Density is a property of MATERIALS, which means that each material has its own specific _______.
8. Different objects made of the SAME material will have the same/different densities, regardless of size or mass.

Density video
1. Which materials in class could we use to measure the density of water?
2. How is density calculated?
3. What are the units for density of water (liquid)?
4. Objects with a greater density than water will ____.
5. Objects with a lower density than water will _____.

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