Thursday, October 16, 2014

601 - Computer Lab: Introduction to Energy

Have fun exploring the Energy Essentials!


 Play the , "What is Energy?" game.  
Match all the types of energy correctly, then answer the following questions in your Science Notebooks.
A. Why do we need energy?
B. What are the different forms of energy? 
C. Pick three forms of energy; where do you see evidence of each form of energy as you complete this assignment?
D. Put the following information into your own words: You can change energy from one type to another.
E. Complete the Quiz; how many did you get right?

Play the, "How do we make Electricity?" game.
1. What does a generator consist of?
2. What happens when the magnet spins inside the coil of wires?
3. List three ways that a power plant turns a turbine, which spins the generator, that produces electricity.
4. Take the quiz.  How did you do?  What was your score?

3. Watch the BrainPOP video, "Energy Sources", take the Quiz, then write the answers in your Science Notebooks.

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