Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Lab #8 – The Cell and its Organelles

Lab #8 – The Cell and its Organelles


How are plant cells and animal cells both similar and different?


3 zip-loc bags
various slime ingredients

Animal Cell
  1. Pour the slime mixture (cytoplasm) into the plastic bag (cell membrane). 
  2. Add the  styrofoam sphere (nucleus) and  the clay pieces, plastic squares and pasta (organelles), but not ANY GREEN!
Plant Cell
  1. Pour the slime mixture (cytoplasm) into the plastic bag (cell membrane).
  2. Add the styrofoam sphere (nucleus) and  various clay pieces and pasta (organelles), including the green clay/squares (chloroplasts).
  3. Put the plastic bag cell into another plastic bag (cell wall).

Animal Cell
Plant Cell


  1. Compare/Contrast your plant and animal cells.

  1. Predict what would happen to a plant cell if it were to lose its chloroplasts.

  1. Explain the importance of the nucleus in both cells.

4.       On your gel cells, what is representing the cell membrane?  How is the cell membrane like your skin?

5.     5. What would happen if your cells lost their cytoplasm?  What would the cell look like?

 *Cell Model Project*  Create your own model of an animal and/or a plant cell.  What materials would you use?  Make a list of what is going to represent the following: cytoplasm, cell membrane, nucleus, organelles, cell wall (plant cell only), chloroplasts (plant cell only).


 What was your problem?
 Restate your hypothesis.  Was it right? wrong?  why or why not?
 What did you learn in this lab?
 What did you like about this lab?
 What were some challenges you had to deal with?
 What could you do next with this problem?  What other tests could you perform?
 Write down any other additional thoughts, observations, inferences, etc.

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