Wednesday, October 16, 2013

*** Energy Resources Bonus Project ***

1. You are going to complete a Science Project/Demo at home.

2. Use the Scientific Method, like we use in class, as a guide for your project.
a. Title
b. Problem
c. Hypothesis
d. Materials
e. Procedure
f. Results (Make sure and graph your Results!)
g. Analysis (Independent Variable, Dependent Variable, Constants)
h. Conclusion

3. Do your project on a display board, power point, MS Word Document, or written NEATLY on loose-leaf paper.

4. Include pictures of your project and pictures of yourself working on it.

5. This is a solo project; we will work on other projects with partners in the future.

6. Things to think about: Color?  Creativity?  Proof of ownership?  Neat?  Legible?  Illustrations?  Graphs?  Spelling?  Good Language Arts skills?  Did you have fun?

I suggest using the following website.

Here are some additional websites to find projects:
If you need any help, please come to room 501 after school. 

- Mr.C


  1. can we like use posterboard? and why didn't you tell my class about this project on Wednesday?- Faiza Azam 61B

  2. hi you were my middle school science teacher

  3. Do we have to take pictures of ourself doing it?

    ~Vicky Liu 61C

  4. A man must have the capacity to discuss his self he can without much of a stretch gain cash for his self or his family we should be taught enough that no one could make us his feeble point we likewise don't flaunt our frail focuses to others.reword essay
