Wednesday, November 29, 2023

C2 Online Exploration: Potential and Kinetic Energy

Video A.

1. Energy is the ability to do ____.
2. What are three sources of energy?
3. Energy cannot be _______ or _________, it can only be stored or transferred.  Put this statement in your own words.
4. Compare/Contrast Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy; how are they similar?  How are they different?
5. Make your own example of PE transforming into KE; draw a picture.

Video B. 

- The Story of Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy
1. What are two different ways that we can increase Kinetic Energy?
2. How is it that even air has energy?
3. What are two ways to increase Potential Energy?
4. "That Potential Energy will be transformed into Kinetic Energy.  What is happening in the video during this statement?

Video C.

1. The elastic potential energy in the spring is converted to _______  ______.
2. The gravitational _________ ______ is converted to kinetic energy. 
 3.  What is happening when potential energy is converted to kinetic energy?  Describe the actions.
     4.   Pretend you are an animator; create a cartoon of your own involving Potential and Kinetic                   Energy, and be sure to label both PE and KE.  

D. 1. What is the law of conservation of energy?  Put it into your own words.
     2. Energy is __________ from one type to _______.
     3. If Potential Energy is the energy of position, where will the rollercoaster have the maximum or most PE?
     4. Kinetic Energy deals with the energy of velocity or _____.
     5. As an object gains speed, it gains ______ energy. 

E. Energy in a Roller Coaster Ride
"This interactive roller coaster ride produced by WGBH illustrates the relationship between potential and kinetic energy. As the coaster cars go up and down the hills and around the loop of the track, a pie chart shows how energy is transformed back and forth between gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy."
Play with the interactive roller coaster ride here:Click Here to PLAY!
How does the PE and KE change at each of the 6 steps?  Think of the position and speed at each position.  

F. Brainpop Potential Energy
Watch the clip, take the review quiz, log your score into Science Notebooks

G. Brainpop Kinetic Energy
Watch the clip, take the review quiz, log your score into Science Notebooks