Monday, December 2, 2019

Simple Machines Slides Assessment

***DUE THURSDAY 12/5/19***

You are going to create a slides presentation showing your
understanding of the various simple machines.

.Title slide with picture of ALL the simple machines.
. Inclined plane: Two pictures/GIFs with a real world example and a sentence explaining the simple motion and how it makes work easier.
. Lever: Two pictures/GIFs with a real world example and a sentence explaining the simple motion and how it makes work easier. Point out the location of the fulcrum.
. Wedge: Two pictures/GIFs with a real world example and a sentence explaining the simple motion and how it makes work easier.
. Wheel and Axle: Two pictures/GIFs with a real world example and a sentence explaining the simple motion and how it makes work easier.
. Screw: Two pictures/GIFs with a real world example and a sentence explaining the simple motion and how it makes work easier.
. Pulley: Two pictures/GIFs with a real world example and a sentence explaining the simple motion and how it makes work easier.

For an added BONUS, include an assessment question to each slide showing your understanding of the simple machine e.g. fill in the blank, multiple choice, true/false, matching, etc

Detail and Neatness
(Either Slides or hard copy)
Lacks detail and is messy.
Some attention to neatness.
Attention to detail and neatness shown.
Attractively presented with exceptional detail.
Heading + 6 Content Slides
Did not attempt to do the assignment.
Did assignment but sloppy with many spelling and punctuation errors
Project done well; some punctuation and spelling mistakes
Worked hard, took their time; no   punctuation or spelling errors
Skill and Thoroughness of content
Little  or no content
Minimal content and description is   present is various parts.
Project’s content is adequate.
Projects content exceeds expectations of basic content.
Scientific Thought
Potential Energy and
Kinetic Energy
< 2 Content Slides have the term, a corresponding image/gif, and a sentence explaining their relationship.
2-3 Content Slides have the term, a corresponding image/gif, and a sentence explaining their relationship.
4-5 Content Slides have the term, a corresponding image/gif, and a sentence explaining their relationship.
All 6 Content Slides have the term, a corresponding image/gif, and a sentence explaining their relationship.

Simple Machines Online Exploration

1. a. Predict: Based on the title, Six Simple Machines, what are some images you are going to see on the video?

b. Watch the Six Simple Machines video.  Think about and give an example of each type of simple machine.

2. Edheads Simple Machines Game

a. Play the Simple Machines game!  Finish all the rooms in the The House.  Enter your data into the table; sketch an image of each item in its correct data table box and label it.

3. Copy down the definitions and examples, then sketch a picture of each simple machine term. Use as a research tool to assist you in finding an example of each simple machine; use the fill in the blanks to help you in organizing your information. 

a. Gears:
Two toothed wheels fit together either directly or through a chain or belt so one wheel will turn the other.
Examples: Clock, Automobile, Drill, __________.

b. Inclined plane:
A sloping surface, such as a ramp.
Examples: Staircase,  Bottom of a Bath Tub, __________.

c. Lever:
A straight rod or board that pivots on a point known as a fulcrum.
Examples: Seesaw, Bottle Opener, __________.

d. Pulley:
A wheel that usually has a groove around the outside edge. This groove is for a rope or belt to move around the pulley. Work is made easier because pulling down on the rope is made easier due to gravity.
Examples: Flag Pole, Crane, __________.

e. Screw:
An inclined plane wrapped around a shaft or cylinder.
Examples: Bolt, Spiral Staircase, __________.

f. Simple Machine:   
A machine with few or no moving parts. Simple machines make work easier.

g. Wedge:

Two inclined planes joined back to back. Wedges are used to split things.
Examples: Axe, Zipper, _________.

h. Wheel and Axle:
A wheel and axle has a larger wheel (or wheels) connected by a smaller cylinder (axle) and is fastened to the wheel so that they turn together.
Examples: Door Knob, Wagon, _________.

i. Compound Machine:
Two or more simple machines working together to make work easier.
Examples: Wheelbarrow, Can Opener, Bicycle, _________.

Taken from

4. Simple Machine Puzzles and Pictures

Enjoy playing the Simple Machines matching game.  Match the choices by connecting the words to the best definitions.

Are you ready to find and label some simple machines?
1. What is the purpose of the wheel and axle?
2. Draw a picture of the screw and the work it does.
3. The ______ changes the direction of the force being applied.
4. The ramp or ________ _____ increases the ________ of the force while reducing the amount of force required.
5. Draw a picture of a wedge splitting an object.
6. The _____ is a bar that reduces the amount of force needed to lift objects.

Will you eat the cheese or will the cat eat you?  Pick the correct letters to spell the words about force, motion, and simple machines.
Sketch a picture of each vocabulary term in your notebook.

Use simple machines to help Twitch the Robot succeed!
For each game, answer this question: How does the simple machine help Twitch reach his goal?  Draw a diagram and label each.

5. Additional Simple Machine Videos
- Write a fact and an opinion about each video.



6. Assess Yourself!  How well do you know simple machines?  Take these FUN online assessments to find out.  :)
