Friday, September 30, 2016

HW: Chapter 1

1. HW: C1S1
1.Read pp. 6-7, 9-11
2.Reading Check Q/A
3. p. 7 Analysis, Inquiry, Design Q/A
4. Self Check Q/A #1-5
5. Vocabulary

2. C1.S2 pp. 12-20 vocabulary, blue questions, reading check,
self check Q/A #1,2;
Mini-Lab p. 14; Applying Math p. 17

3.   Text p. 35 -Visualizing Main Ideas

4. pp. 36-37 Ch. 1 Review #1-3,5,6,9-11,13-18, 21, 23, 25, 28

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Lab#1 - How is a controlled experiment formed?

Lab#1 - How is a controlled experiment formed?

Have you ever wondered whether light or dark clothing would be more comfortable on a hot, sunny day?  Scientists conduct scientific experiments to solve problems like this.  They use a process called the scientific method.

How does color affect heat absorption?


 I hypothesize that…  I believe that….  I think that…  I predict that…

Materials  (stuff we need to do our experiment)

Virtual Lab

Procedure  (step by step list of instructions, kind of like a recipe)


Jacket Color
Denim 'C




Jacket Color
Wool 'C






--Each data table must have a bar graph accompanying it--


  1. What was the problem you were trying to solve?

  1.  What was the independent variable? 

  1. What was the dependent variable?

  1. What were your constants?

  1. What else could you have tested in this experiment?  Explain.

  1. How does the color of the jacket affect heat absorption?

  1. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the computer model you used in the experiment.  How could you go about conducting this experiment with your jackets?

8.       8. What evidence can you find that suggests darker materials absorb more thermal energy than lighter materials?

What was your problem?
 Restate your hypothesis.  Was your hypothesis right or wrong?  What facts would support this?
 What did you learn in this lab?
 What did you like about this lab?
 What were some challenges you had to deal with?
 What could you do next with this problem?  What other tests could you perform?
 Write down any other additional thoughts, observations, inferences, etc.

When: Wednesday, 10/7/15
Where: Science Lab Notebook

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Scientific Summer Essay

Scientific Summer Essay
 Write a five paragraph essay about your summer.
•The first paragraph is the introduction.
•Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 are the body.
•Paragraph 5 is the conclusion.
•Write about how your summer was related to Science.  What did you do over the summer that was related to Science?  Use your What is Science? list to assist you.
This assignment will be your Portfolio #1 entry.

Total Points
Heading, Neatness, Overall Organization
The loose leaf is neat, the heading is legible, the work is organized
There is some disorganization. 

Parts of the heading are missing.
There is no heading.  The loose leaf is torn.  It is disorganized.

There is an Introduction paragraph with at least five sentences.
There is an Introduction paragraph with only four sentences.
There is an Introduction paragraph with only three sentences.
There is an Introduction paragraph with only two sentences.
There is no Introduction.

There is a Conclusion paragraph with at least five sentences.
There is a Conclusion paragraph with only four sentences.
There is a Conclusion paragraph with only three sentences.
There is a Conclusion paragraph with only two sentences.
There is no Conclusion.

Body Paragraphs
There are three body paragraphs with five sentences each.
There are no body paragraphs.

Use of Science Words
There are at least ten Science words used.
There are 8-9 Science words used.
There are 6-7 Science words used.
There are 4-5 Science words used.
There are less than four Science words used.