Monday, September 30, 2013

Chapter 1 Homework List


Homework is to be done in your Science Notebook unless you are notified about a change.  You must date and label each assignment.  Mr. C may check your HW the next day, or I may check it during a notebook check, but it WILL be graded.  Incompletion of HW assignments may lead to a HW Party after school on Friday!

1. HW – Add 10 more words to each list: physical science, earth science, life science.

2. Chapter 1 Section 1: Vocabulary, Reading Check, Blue Questions, Self Check 

3. C1S2 pp. 12-20 vocabulary, blue questions, reading check, self check Q/A #1,2;  Mini-Lab p. 14; Applying Math p. 17

4. Textbook Scavenger Hunt

5. C1S3:   vocabulary, blue questions, reading check, self check Q/A #1,2,6
6. C1S4:   vocabulary, blue questions, reading check, self check Q/A #1 
7. HW – Ch. 1 Review
     p. 35 Visualizing Main Ideas
     pp. 36-37 Ch. 1 Review #1-3,5,6,9-11,13-18, 21, 23, 25, 28

1. Scientific Summer Essay
2. Science Article #1

Click on the following links, complete each fun quiz, get an additional point added to your Homework grade for each fun quiz completed.  Copy/Paste your answers into an email or an Engrade message to me.  There are FOUR possible Bonus Points; collect them all!!! :) :) :)

Remember to include your NAME and CLASS NUMBER in your submitted answers.



